Tuesday, September 15, 2009

9 observations from my day as a stay-at-home dad

This past Saturday, my wife was out for the day, getting her CPR / AED certification, which is required to sit for the personal training certification test she'll be taking in a couple months. She left the house at 7 am, leaving me with my (not quite) 3-year-old son and my (not quite) 1-year-old daughter. We were due to meet at my in laws' at 5 pm that night for dinner. For those of you who don't love math...that's 10 hours of me being outnumbered.


Not to spoil the ending, but everything turned out just fine. Everybody is intact (although my psyche is a little questionable!) and a great time was had by all. I'm not going to bore you with details of everything we did all day, but in the ensuing few days, I've made some observations...
  • It is possible to get a workout in (thanks to the fact that my daughter is still in the napping stage), but...
  • Holding a 60-second plank gets a lot harder with the unexpected addition of 30 pounds of boy on your back 20 seconds into it
  • The "no spoiling kids / you don't get what you want unless you ask the right way / no, you can't have another pop because you just had one / etc." guy...yeah, he ran for the hills pretty quickly
  • Rainy days are very, very bad
  • Having an iPhone with some toddler apps is very, very helpful on rainy days
  • There is a kind of exhaustion caused by mental exertion that no physical activity can match (and, they were both angels most of the day...I can't imagine if they had had an "off" day!)
  • My son is smarter and funnier than me
  • I will be able to deny my daughter nothing. And, it won't even be close
  • Laughter is magic and my kids are friggin' hysterical (OK, I knew that already, but Saturday was a wonderful reminder)
  • Even though it was tough at times, it was one of my favorite, proudest days ever (And, yes, I was still very relieved when I got the call from my wife saying her class got out an hour early!)
Any similar experiences? Or totally different? I'd love to hear 'em in the comments section.

No excuses,


PS - full disclosure...in addition to my wife's class ending early, I traded a couple hours of my manual labor helping a friend frame his basement in exchange for his wife entertaining my kids!


  1. I just found you via Twitter! I had to smile at this post, because I've got 7 children. When we just had a few my hubby got so nervous when I had to be gone for an extended period of time! Now he's an old pro. But the funny thing about him is that he WILL NOT take all the kids anywhere by himself. A few at a time, yes. But not all seven! (I can't say as I blame him because sometimes I don't want to take them all!)

  2. Thanks for commenting, Diane... SEVEN kids?? More power to you - and your husband. I have to admit, I can't blame him for not taking the entire clan by himself. That's a higher kid-adult ratio than my son's preschool!

    Your comment made me think of an interesting dynamic in my own family. My wife is one of seven and I'm an only child. Maybe that's why me and the two little ones feels like chaos! :)
